Thank you for visiting my homepage.
As you know, we like to practice workshops named „further educations“ as well as „off-the-job-trainigs“, nowadays.
We have a wide experience of doing that. Normally we are doing our work in Germany and Northern Ireland but sometimes as well in several other european countries.
The person born with a talent
they are meant to use
will find their greatest happiness in using it.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In further times we like to concentrate, to focus, on Ireland, Northern Ireland predominantl
My name is Lady Susan V.E.A.M. and I am a real Irish Girl from Northern Ireland. I lived and worked in Germany for several decades. However, I have now returned to my homeland years ago. For me, no other country can replace life directly on the Irish Sea.
So, it’s time to focus my so much-loved Island again!
In the meantime, only in rare exceptional cases in Germany. Naturally, however, in Northern Ireland, but sometimes also in Scotland, Wales and England. Of course, also in German if desired.
Personally I stand for a good interchange between Ireland and Germany. In case I am a real „irish girl“ from Northern Ireland and I am living in Germany for decades.
Now it’s time to focus my so much loved Island again!
I am really happy to yield all my know-how in Lady Susan`s Challenges.
It could be a real challenge for you as well!
A challenge for your life to bring more of your resources on to the surface and moreover it could be a good exchange between two countries, so you will be able to steep in your own history, using your experience of life with our supervision.
We all like Ireland but it could be profitable for you as well to come to Germany with a guided tour with Lady Susan`s challenges.
Please read more about that on our homepage under „Travels“!
As you know, it is not the question to find yourself – the question is, how to create yourself.
Yes you are right! It is George Bernhard Shaw himself with the following saying:
Life isn’t about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself.
Georges Bernard Shaw
Furthermore, please allow me to suggest to have a look at my activities as an author.
Admittedly the most books, as well as audio-books, essaies and professional articles I have written, are in german language. But some are publicised as well in the english language.
So please have a look at my further homepage and you will find one book and one audio-book in english and additional on the „Blog“ some stories, in the minute.
It is incidental that over the next time you will be able to find more and more in english language. That is a pledge, for sure.
Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I would be very glad to meet you, either on the Islands or in Germany or wherever and maybe with my writings in psychology, philosophy and more, as well.
The only constant thing is change!
Looking really forward! – Thank you indeed and God bless you!
Yours Lady Susan
Thinking is easy, acting is difficult,
and to put one’s thoughts into action
is the most difficult thing in the world.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You will never do anything
in this world without courage.
It is the greatest quality of the mind
next to honor.