Summer stories – Audio

Lady Susan - Sommergeschichten CovercardSummer stories / Sommergeschichten

Lady Susan is once again reading her own stories for young and old, for young and old. These “summer stories” continue the series of stories for every season. Winter and spring stories have already been published, autumn stories will follow.

The sequel story “Headless” was also continued here.

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow
of His Hand.
– Irish Prayer –

Lady Susan
Victoria Elisabeth Anne Mary

Here’s how you can enjoy the summer stories:

… also available on many other portals on the Internet!

Lady Susan - Sommergeschichten - InlayThe stories

CD 1

  1. Die Sonne trägt eine Jacke aus Flanell
  2. “Albin Hevin” – Sommersonnenwende
  3. Die Kräuter
  4. Das Omelett
  5. Der Mistelzweig und der Feuergott Loki

CD 2

  1. Der “goldene Kopf”
  2. Sehnsucht – Gedicht
  3. Die Bienen und die güldenen Panzerröckchen
  4. Mutter Erde und die Feen
  5. Kopflos 4 – Fortsetzung: Die Suche nach Vernunft und Verstand geht weiter
  6. Kopflos 5 – Fortsetzung: Die fünf Freunde auf ihrer Reise nach dem alten Griechenland