Winter stories – Audio

Lady Susan - CD Wintergeschichten - CoverWinter stories / Wintergeschichten

Lady Susan reads her own stories for adults and children, for young and old. These “Winter Stories” are the first in a series of stories for every season. Spring, summer and fall stories will follow.

Each CD also continues the sequel story “Headless” that began here.

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow
of His Hand.
– Irish Prayer –

Lady Susan
Victoria Elisabeth Anne Mary

Here’s how you can enjoy the winter stories:

… also available on many other portals on the Internet!

Lady Susan - CD - Wintergeschichten InlayThe stories

CD 1

  1. Eine kleine Weihnachtsgeschichte
  2. Vor über zweitausend Jahren
  3. Eine andere Welt
  4. Winter
  5. Eduardo
  6. The cloud world – Über den Wolken

CD 2

  1. Irish sheep – Die grüne Insel
  2. Eine glasklare Entscheidung – Die Schneeflockenkunde
  3. The treasure (in english)
  4. Kopflos 1: Die Suche nach dem Kopf
  5. Kopflos 2: Die Gefährten suchen den Verstand
  6. Kopflos 3: Die Gefährten suchen die Vernunft und den Verstand